Guide: Preparing Star Tube with Venous Sample by Drucker Diagnostics attempting to collect a sample, please remember to always follow your facility's blood collection procedures.

To prepare a sample using a Venous Blood Draw, invert your lavender top tube 12-15 times prior to filling the Star tube.

Gently remove the lavender top from the tube.

Hold the Star tube in a horizontal position and carefully tilt the venous sample until the tip of the inner Star tube is touching the blood.

Fill the Star tube until the sample fills between the two black fill lines.

When using this method, be careful to not allow the plastic sleeve of the Star tube to touch the venous sample. If this occurs you may not be able to fill the sample properly.

Remember to always hold the tube as close to 90 degrees as possible this will prevent air bubbles from forming in the tube, which could potentially produce an error when the tube is analyzed.

It is very important to fill between the two black fill lines, over filling or under filling will result in a tube fill error. If this occurs you must discard the tube and begin again.

Now, tilt the tube so that the blood flows down into the area of acridine orange, be careful to avoid contact with the white stopper, as this may make mixing the sample more difficult.

Tilt the tube back and forth to mix a sample with the acridine orange one back and forth motion equals one mix, do this at least 4 times.

After mixing be sure to bring the blood back into the center of the tube before capping this ensures a sample will not be drawn into the cap of the tube upon closing.

Pull off the cap and place it on the opposite end of the tube, push the cap and give a half twist.

You now have a closed sample which is ready to be placed into the star.

Watch the complete video demonstration here:

Want to check on the QBC Star Hematology Analyzer and its accessories? Visit the links below.

Guide: Set Up and Installation of the QBC Star Hematology Analyzer from Drucker Diagnostics