January is National Blood Donor Month

National Blood Donor MonthThe American Red Cross celebrates National Blood Donor Month in January with the goal of encouraging people to make blood and platelet donations and ensure a sufficient supply of blood for the needy.

National Blood Donor Month has been observed in January since 1970 to not only to promote the blood collection drive but also thank donors for their support. Increasing donations during the winter months is important as bad weather often results in cancelled blood drives and illness like flu which may affect people's capacity to donate.

The Red Cross is calling upon the public to make blood or platelet donation their New Year resolution and continue donating regularly. Blood can be safely donated every eight weeks (56 days). Platelet can be donated every 7 days up to 24 times per year. All types of blood are needed such as AB, O, B negative and A negative. Platelets are crucial for cancer patients, burn victims and bone marrow recipients and therefore, a steady supply of this clotting component of blood is necessary. Platelets have a short shelf life and need to be transfused as soon as possible after thawing.

Blood banks in the U.S. will be busy places this January as Blood Donation Month gathers momentum. Hundreds of institutions are involved in blood banking throughout the U.S. including community and hospital blood banks, hospital transfusion services and laboratories. Accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), these institutions use high quality blood collection systems and good laboratory practices to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of blood and blood products.

As a leading supplier of an extensive line of premium quality centrifuges, hematology analyzers and blood collection products, Block Scientific joins the National Blood Donor Month celebration. We encourage all those who are eligible to donate blood to do so and become genuine heroes.

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