Make In-office Testing Easy with Siemens DCA Vantage

DCA VantagePoint-of-care testing (POCT) can significantly improve clinical operations with cost reductions through improved practice efficiency. The DCA® Vantage is an advanced point-of-care analyzer from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics that quantitatively measures percent HbA1c in blood. This analyzer can also aid in the diagnosis of diabetes and identification of patients at risk of developing diabetes. It offers simple, convenient testing for HbA1c, Albumin, Creatinine, and Albumin-to-Creatinine (A:C) Ratio tests to improve patient outcomes. This unit can test HbA1c from a small (1 µL) whole blood sample in just 6 minutes.

This point-of-care analyzer simplifies diabetes testing, delivering accurate and clinically relevant results during the patient visit to help physicians and nurses improve patient decision-making and diabetic patient compliance. Its onboard GFR calculator indexes kidney function to help clinicians monitor kidney disease progression and recommend the most effective treatment plan. It also delivers clinical confidence in results along with flexible connectivity, customizable functions, and enhanced data security.

This analyzer features

  • Convenient local storage of up to 4,000 onboard records with powerful sorting capabilities
  • Bar-code scanner for safer and faster patient/operator ID entry
  • Self-contained cartridges facilitate easy, walk-away operation after sample loading
  • No sample or reagent preparation required
  • Minimal maintenance requirements with automatic reminders to alert users when maintenance is due

With this analyzer, users can also automatically upload results and QC information to LIS/HIS to reduce manual logging and save time.

Laboratories can review results on-screen or generate a hard copy report to minimize transcription errors in the office. When this DCA Vantage analyzer is supported by the RAPIDComm® Data Management System, point-of-care coordinators can standardize analyzer procedures, increase testing compliance, and significantly improve risk management. Online lab equipment stores of professional suppliers offer new as well as refurbished model of this analyzer at a great price.

Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Market Growing at a Fast Pace