QBC Autoread Plus - An Extremely Reliable Hematology System

QBC Autoread PlusHematology technology has made rapid strides in recent times, allowing clinicians to get precise results in quick turnaround time. The QBC® Autoread Plus™ System is a great example of how advanced technology enables hematology testing in virtually any setting.

Manufactured by Drucker Diagnostics, this hematology system uses patented dry hematology technology to provide a 9-parameter hematology profile of centrifuged venous or capillary blood. It offers a durable, cost-effective option for conducting hematology testing in virtually any setting and offers rapid CBC testing in just 7 minutes. The Autoread measures nine important CBC hematological parameters from venous or capillary blood samples: hematocrit, hemoglobin, MCHC (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration), platelet count, white blood cell count, granulocyte count and percentage, and lymphocyte/monocyte count, and percentage. The system includes a reader, a centrifuge, and an external printer (US only).

The Autoread Plus a long proven track record of being extremely reliable in the world's harshest environments. With the QBC dry reagent technology, the Autoread can be transported and quickly deliver results in any location without concerns of leaking or damage. Setup time is minimal, as the Autoread is always ready to provide fast, accurate hematology analysis. With no liquid reagents, its lab storage requirements are minimal. Only little maintenance is required and there is no need to clean or replace internal parts. The only waste products generated by the Autoread are the QBC Tubes themselves - which are much easier to dispose of than dangerous biohazard reagent chemicals.

The most durable CBC analyzer on the market, this hematology analyzer is designed to increase patient satisfaction and physician efficiency. The testing process involves just few steps. Prepare a blood sample using a QBC Tube, centrifuge the tube for five minutes at 12,000 RPM and place it in the reader. Results will print out automatically using an attached printer.

Online stores of established lab equipment stores offer the QBC® Autoread Plus and its accessories at a great price.

Choosing a Centrifuge for Your Lab - Some Points to Consider