Siemens DCA Vantage - A Multipurpose Point-of-care Analyzer

Siemens DCA Vantage - A Multipurpose Point-of-care AnalyzerAccording to CDC, an estimated 30.3 million people of all ages—or 9.4% of the U.S. population—had diabetes in 2015, of which 7.2 million (23.8%) were not aware of or did not report having diabetes. Manufactured by Siemens, the DCA Vantage is a user-friendly point-of-care analyzer that allows clinicians to better manage diabetes patients by providing quick results, enabling actionable physician-patient conversations at the time of the visit. It can monitor glycemic control and detect early kidney disease in environments ranging from the physician's office to remote, point-of-care coordinated sites in hospitals, and multisite practices.

The DCA Vantage can test HbA1c from a small (1 µL) whole blood sample in 6 minutes and Albumin, Creatinine, and Albumin-to-Creatinine (A:C) ratio from a urine specimen in 7 minutes to report a quantitative protein status with automatic creatinine adjustment. Fast, actionable test results enable physicians to determine the effectiveness of a treatment plan, make therapeutic adjustments with confidence, and be more certain of whether patients are complying with their recommendations. The analyzer's onboard GFR calculator indexes kidney function to monitor kidney disease progression and recommend the most effective treatment plan.

The key features of the Siemens DCA Vantage analyzer include:

  • Self-contained cartridges facilitate easy, walkaway operation after sample loading
  • Bar-code scanner for safer and faster patient/operator ID entry
  • Storage of up to 4,000 onboard records, with powerful sorting capabilities
  • Automatic reminders alert when maintenance is due

Customizable security access modes of this model support up to 1,000 operators, protect patient information, and prevent operation by unauthorized users. The unit's option to flexibly review results on the intuitive color touch screen display eliminates transcription errors and save time with a hard copy report from the onboard printer. Users can purchase new as well as refurbished DCA Vantage analyzer at a great price from professional online lab equipment stores.

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