Fisher Chemical

Fisher Chemical

The Fisher Scientific™ channel carries leading brands that cover the demands of a variety of applications. Fisher Chemical, a part of Fisher Scientific, serves the scientific community with chemicals for research applications.

Fisher Chemical offers a comprehensive portfolio of dry reagents, acids, solutions and high-purity solvents to meet various research applications. These products are highly applicable for laboratories engaged in research, development and analysis. From routine analysis, chromatography and trace elemental analysis to drug toxicology studies, proteomics and environmental testing, the Fisher Chemical portfolio of products can support the endless possibilities of your research.

Block Scientific is pleased to offer LC-MS solvents for challenging Chromatography applications. Formulated for UHPLC-UV applications, LC-MS Solvents are mostly used in HPLC and LC-MS systems in research labs, drug-testing labs, environmental labs, and the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical, environmental and food safety industries.

Here are the LC-MS Solvents We Offer

  • 2-Propanol (HPLC), Fisher Chemical, Case of 4 X 4L
  • Isopropanol (IPA), Optima, Fisher Chemical, Case of 4 x 4L
  • Isopropanol, OPTIMA LC-MS, Fisher Chemical, Case of 6 x 1L
  • ACETONITRILE (HPLC), Fisher Chemical, Case of 4 x 4L
  • ACETONITRILE OPTIMA, Fisher Chemical, Case of 4 x 4L
  • METHANOL OPTIMA, Fisher Chemical, Case of 4 x 4L
  • METHANOL OPTIMA LC-MS, Fisher Chemical, Case of 4 x 4L
  • WATER (HPLC), Fisher Chemical, Case of 4 x 4L
  • WATER, OPTIMA LC-MS, Fisher Chemical, Case of 4 x 4L
  • ACETIC ACID, OPTIMA LC-MS, Fisher Chemical, 1 x 50ml Bottle
  • TRIFLUOROACETIC ACID OPTIMA LC-MS, Fisher Chemical, 1 x 0.5ml Bottle

For more information about these products from Fisher Chemical and other vendor products, browse our online store. For any clarification, call 1-866-203-5777 or send an e-mail to