Product Feature: Introducing the Reliable Indiko Plus Clinical Chemistry Analyzer

My name is Anca Sipos. I am a medical doctor and the laboratory manager at the Dobsi Med Laboratory in Medias. Medias is a small town but quality is of utmost importance to us, thus, we chose to work with Thermo Fisher Scientific. We bought the Indiko Plus based on its quality. It can operate with low sample volumes and uses small amounts of water which enables us to run the laboratory more cost efficiently.

The instrument uses disposable cuvettes, thus, eliminating carryover interference so our results are very reliable. The Indigo software is logical, easy to understand and use which helps us to load the calibrators, controls and patient samples quickly and start the analysis. Due to the bidirectional interface, it is easy to connect with any LIS.

It is very important that we can select which mode we want the samples to be process. We can work in batch mode or in sample oriented mode. If we select sample oriented mode, once the instrument has completed the test requested for one particular sample, the results become visible and at the same time the data is transferred to the LIS.

The maintenance procedure is very easy, we have to wipe the instrument daily and every three months we have to run tube maintenance solution that takes 30 minutes. As per preventive service maintenance, it is only required once a year.

I can happily recommend the Indiko Plus because it is very reliable.The repeatability and reproducibility are very good. Its optical system is excellent and in terms of consumption it operates with very small quantities of reagents, calibrators, and controls. Maybe it's a cliche but I love the Indiko Plus.

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